Second Konikablo Project Newsletter Published

Since our last newsletter in March this year, a lot of things have happened. The development of the Konikablo Wind Farm has made some important progress.
Two meteorological masts, each 125m (410ft) tall, have been installed to measure the exact wind conditions at the site. A video team accompanied the installation. The video can be found on our new project website. Furthermore, the whole project area has been surveyed with a drone to get detailed aerial images. The specialists of the Ghana Wildlife Society continue monitoring the activities of the birds in the area of the projected wind farm. The next steps are already planned, a geotechnical survey will bring the situation below the ground to daylight.
But also outside of the project area, a lot of things are happen-ing. Upwind Konikablo financially supports the construction of a 3-unit classroom block of the Hearts of the Father Outreach Orphan-age. The opening of this building will be celebrated on Sunday the 9thof June.
It is still a long way till the start of operation of the wind farm, but the many small steps will take us continuously to a future with clean and renewable energy.
The newsletter can be found in our download section or directly here (as PDF, 1MB).