NEK has equipped its Ayitepa field office with independent power supply to ensure the workplace can be used without interruptions due to power outages, which occur during these times frequently in Ghana. NEK engineers designed and installed a system combining an 800 W wind turbine, 600 W of solar panels and a battery backup system.
Upwind Konikablo Ltd., the company of the Konikablo Wind Farm, today donated goods for the people of Ningo-Prampram to protect themselves against the coronavirus. The items, which include face masks and sanitizers, were presented by the Community Liaison Team, namely Emmanuel Adjei Kordie, Jeff Amoah and Samuel Manorty, to the District Chief Executive of Ningo-Prampram, Jonathan Teye Doku at June 12, 2020.
In line with advice from health experts, Ghanaian authorities have made the wearing of face masks mandatory. However, the cost of masks can be a barrier for some people, so the wind farm developers have stepped in to donate and distribute these reusable, FDA-approved masks to the host communities.
Our third Konikablo community newsletter highlights some important events of the past few months. We are in close contact with the local communities. Several community engagement events around the Konikablo Wind Farm project area took place and even more will follow. As project developers, we are delighted about the participation and positive reactions. It is important for us to develop our projects in a social sustainable manner with all stakeholders engaged and involved. Therefore, the community events are an important part of our wind farm development.
Some weeks ago, the boundary demarcation work for the 200 MW Konikablo Wind Farm has started with the aim of setting out the project perimeter in the field, so that it is clearly marked and visible. On top of each pillar is a flag with the logo of Upwind Konikablo Ltd. mounted.
On Monday, 24th June 2019, two community engagement events took place in relation to the development of our 200 MW Konikablo Wind Farm, one in Koni and a second one at Kablo. More than 80 persons showed up in total to be informed on the progress of the project in their neighbourhood. The project developers, NEK Umwelttechnik AG and Upwind Konikablo Ltd., presented the current state, the benefits of the planned wind farm for the involved communities and local population and answered also the questions coming from the attendees.
On 7th of June 2019, a 3-unit classroom block of the Hearts of the Father Outreach was commissioned by the District Chief Executive (DCE) of Ningo-Prampram District Assembly, Hon. Jonathan Teye Doku. The construction of the building was initiated by the DCE in the year 2018 and sponsored by ENERCON GmbH and NEK Umwelttechnik AG.